Chapter Title: The Reunion * 2006

Summary of Chapter

Forty years after embarking on their first ever midnight adventure into the Bonaventure Cemetery in the summer of 1966 - the “Boys of Bonaventure” return once again to the now-famous graveyard for a daring and unforgettable reunion. Like before - they will enter the graveyard at the stroke of midnight - however - this time they will be accompanied by their young sons and nephews - who themselves will be making their first journey into the haunted grounds of the “city of the Dead.”

Chapter Excerpt:

. . . the midnight hour has finally come. As we stare into the eerie darkness of this place - a cold shiver races down my spine. I’m unsure if it’s from the frosty chill of the November night - or from the fear that something could go terribly wrong once inside the gates. It’s the same feeling we experienced as young 11-year-old boys when we entered the old graveyard on our very first midnight adventure. Now - just as then - that spine-tingling chill - chills me to the bone.
